Neuro Surgery
Neuro Surgery
- Head trauma
- Lumbar and cervical spine
- Traumatic spine
- Brain tumour supra and infra tentorial
- Endoscopic pituitary surgery
- Microdiscectomy and endoscopic discectomy for lumbar pivd
- Epilepsy surgery
- Neuro Spine centre a sister concern of shanti memorial hospital. Our experts from across the country

Specialises in
- Complex Brain surgery
- Endoscopic brain surgery
- Endoscopic spine surgery
- Complex spine surgery
- Miss(minimally invasive spine surgery)
- Endoscopic pituitary surgery
- Brain Aneurysm and vascular malformation surgery
- Epilepsy surgery
- We are a centre for excellence comprehensive care in Brain injury
Neurosurgery Services
Patients suffering from various spectrums of neurosurgical disorders including trauma, vascular, skull base, epilepsy, peripheral nerve, malignancy, spine including craniovertebral junction are offered care. The operating rooms are equipped with all advanced surgical equipments including state of the art microscopes, drills, C-arm etc.
Clinical services offered can be considered under the various neurosurgical subspecialities.
Trauma services:
The trauma services for all head injuries and polytrauma patients are offered for 24 hours. Severe head injuries requiring surgery are operated immediately. Critical care is provided both in the preoperative and postoperative periods.
Vascular Surgery:
Surgical management of Intracerebralhemorrhages, aneurysms etc diseases are performed.
Spine Surgery:
All types spinal surgery including instrumentation are performed. Spine trauma requiring decompression and fixation are performed immediately.
Brain tumour:
Benign and malignant tumours of the brain and spinal cord are very common . The operative procedures are performed using state of the art microscopes with intraoperative monitoring. Selected cases are operated using awake craniotomy.
Skull base Surgery:
Facilities required for the performing these diseases are available.
Peripheral nerve surgeries:
Traumatic plexus and tumour involving the peripheral nerves are surgically managed.
Advanced Endoscopic procedures for several intracranial pathologies including pituitary adenomas, skull base lesions hydrocephalus etc are performed.
Epilepsy Surgery:
It is done for drug resistant epilepsy patients. Patients are evaluated and selected for surgical management. The entire range of epilepsy surgeries are performed.
Paediatric neurosurgery:
Children suffering from diseases like encephalocelemeningolmyelocele hydrocephalus are operated .
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